It's Spring! and It's also Book Club!

Oh my, is there anything better than a fresh pages and a floral breeze?

Hi Hunnies <3

Welcome to another Month of BookClub, in October we dived into the world of Chemistry, good food, BS gender standards with unwavering self worth with Bonnie Garmus’s exceptional, ‘Lessons in Chemistry’.

The book for November is a special one (I know I say that monthly but this one is a particularly memorable read). Written by author Shankari Chandran, Chai time at Cinnamon Gardens is an enticing, if not entirely realised, opportunity for a wider conversation about Australia, the diversity of its people and the gaps in our collective cultural knowledge. This is a book that calls for your full immersion – but for that you will be rewarded by an important piece of literature that pulls on heart strings you didn’t even know you had.

As a forewarning, this book includes delicious cups of Chai, yes, but also contains themes of race, trauma and the structural inequality engendered in so-called multicultural Australia. It switches between multiple timelines, some of which were in civil wars, in the midst of war zones. So the story at times depicts scene’s which are not all beauty and comfort, but raw and graphic truth telling. This book gripped me tight and didn’t let go.

This last month we had some new faces reading along which was fabulous, if you haven’t yet dialled into bookclub, you are more than welcome!

How book club operates: - You receive the book title about a month before the meeting, then a week before the meeting I will send you through some questions to get you thinking about the text and then come bookclub we come together via zoom and chat about the text for about an hour.

Book club is a very warm, supportive and welcoming space! If you would like to join in on November, please shoot me an email at [email protected] and I’ll add you to the zoom invite.


Date: 5pm Thursday 2nd November

BYO book, cup of tea/wine/hot water bottle - Whatever you please!

xoxoxo Holly Sunday